Doors of Success, Inc
13560 E. McNichols Rd. (Inside The Matrix Center)
Detroit, MI 48205
(313) 300-5822

Founded in 2012, Doors of Success Foundation was birthed by Shalamar Guerrant who knows what its like to be the one in need. Years ago, she was a single mother who worked 40 hours a week to attempt to take proper care of her and her daughter. She made minimum wage and after paying her bills, another decision had to be made. Would it be her or her daughter eating that night? She had asked the government for aid but unfortunately, she did not fit into the 3 categories the government did aid; the nonworking, the handicap, and the elderly. These things are what sparked the vision that has come to past; Doors of Success. Through this, she has helped thousands. Somehow, she finds time to keep up with her job. A full time Real Estate Investor, Property Manager & Consultant of 12 years helping low-income mothers and families with housing, foreclosures, and eviction processes.
Mrs. Guerrant is also, the founder of D.I.A.M.O.N.D.S. "Designed Intervention Always Mentoring Divas to Shine", a 12-week in-school girls mentoring program. It accompanies ages 11-18, encouraging young women to serve their purpose in their daily life and exude the rare jewel they were created to be by promoting how important the makeup of a Diamond is, through emotional and physical development. The goal of D.I.A.M.O.N.D.S., is to change the thinking and bring awareness to young ladies to build self-esteem and character; to help prevent teen pregnancy, domestic violence, instill self-worth and defuse hatred towards each other in order to make better decisions that will impact their future as women. Our motto is, "You are a DIAMOND, treat yourself as such and don't allow the enemy to take your SHINE!"
"You cannot fail when you are doing God's work!" - Shalamar Guerrant
Doors of Success is a 501(c)(3) recognized organization its’ mission is to educate, empower and rebuild the entire family unit by engaging collaborative community partners through mentoring, entrepreneurship, life skills, outreach and other support services. (DOS) aims to improve, prevent, prepare and lead families to a successful life.
The programs of Doors of Success are developed to meet the needs of residents in Metro-Detroit to offer an opportunity to regain independence and self-sufficiency.
In 2016, along with the help of our collaborative partners Doors of Success served over 6,500 residents with supportive services, preventative healthcare, scholarships and youth mentorship programming.